Carrington Phoenix

Carrington Phoenix


Carrington College Wireless Network

  1. Use a “wired” computer in the library, classroom or lab to set password.
  2. When prompted enter USER NAME (S# from Registrar’s office) and PASSWORD (Welcome01)
  3. Set new password when prompted
    1. Minimum of 7 characters
    2. Must include 1 uppercase letter
    3. Must include 1 lowercase letter
    4. Must include 1 number
    5. If a message displays that password change was successful continue…
  4. Using the “wireless” device – connect to the Carrington-Student network
  5. Open web browser and try to visit a site like BING, GOOGLE or YAHOO.
  6. Your browser will be re-directed to a DeVry webpage that will require the USER NAME and new PASSWORD.
  7. Read the DeVry usage policies for Wi-Fi use and if agreeable  check the “I AGREE” box.
  8. Click LOG-IN

NOTE: The Registrar’s office or Library can reset passwords, if need be.

Written by carringtonphoenix

August 17, 2012 at 10:40 am